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Your Body Works to Clean Your Teeth between Brushings

Posted on 3/8/2021 by Dr. Nick Raptou
Your Body Works to Clean Your Teeth between BrushingsYour body works to keep the teeth clean by the production of saliva. In fact, saliva is the key to keeping teeth clean between brushings. If you do not have enough saliva in the mouth, you leave the mouth more vulnerable to the germs that cause disease and infection.

How Saliva Helps Clean the Teeth

Saliva helps clean the teeth and prevents prolonged acid attacks on the enamel of teeth. When you have enough saliva, it can clean away food debris or other particles that stick to the teeth. In addition, saliva contains antimicrobial agents that battle the bad germs that lead to the formation of cavities. In addition, saliva helps with maintaining a healthy pH balance in the mouth. If you have xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, you do not have this benefit. Because saliva is 99% water, drinking water will assist in stimulating saliva production, which will benefit your oral health. Usually, drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day will keep your mouth and body hydrated and prevent a parched dry mouth.

What Causes Dry Mouth?

Some auto-immune diseases lead to dry mouth, as does anxiety, stress, smoking, taking tranquilizers, or breathing through the mouth. In addition, some medicines, such as antidepressants, appetite suppressants, and antihistamines, can minimize the flow of saliva. The aging process or treatments, such as radiation therapy, can lead to dry mouth as well. To offset the problem, we suggest, again, that patients drink plenty of water each day, follow a regular routine of good oral care, and chew sugarless gum to moisten the mouth.

Do you have a high incidence of cavities? If so, the condition may be the result of dry mouth. If you have not done so recently, contact us for a dental cleaning and exam. Make it a priority to schedule regular 6-month appointments with us so you can realize better dental health.

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