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Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Teeth Removal at Raptou Family Dental, Columbus, OHYour wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last of your molars to erupt. They often show up in your late teens to early 20s, which is how they have earned their name. These teeth are also the most likely to cause serious pain and other problems. At Raptou Family Dental, we can restore the health to your mouth, and alleviate your pain, with wisdom tooth removal.

A Brief History

Many, many years ago, the wisdom teeth served a very important purpose. The human jaw was larger, which allowed for comfortable accommodation of the third molars. The diet of our ancestors was very different from what we eat today. The wisdom teeth were required to chew and break down a variety of very coarse foods. With the invention of cooking, the coarseness of most foods was reduced. The human jaw became smaller, and the wisdom teeth were no longer essential. Today, anthropologists consider them to be vestigial organs.

Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain

For the many people who are faced with wisdom tooth pain, this pain can be severe. The most common cause of tooth pain is impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth are simply those that won’t emerge properly through your gum tissue. They may be blocked, or they may be at an angle. Impacted wisdom teeth cause some serious issues, all of which can lead to serious pain:
•  Overcrowding. Our jaw is smaller than our ancestors, yet we still develop the same number of teeth. For many patients, there simply is not enough room in the mouth for the third molars. As they attempt to emerge, they push against your existing teeth, forcing them out of alignment.
•  Cysts. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form as a result of impacted teeth. Untreated, they continue to grow, destroying your bone mass as they do.
•  Damage to adjacent teeth. When your wisdom teeth grow at an angle, they can grow right into the adjacent teeth. This can cause serious damage to these teeth, such as fractures. The fractures can weaken your adjacent teeth, and leave them susceptible to infection.
•  Pericoronitis. There are some cases in which your wisdom teeth only partially erupt. If this happens, the area can be very difficult to keep clean. Oral bacteria can build up and cause a localized infection known as pericoronitis.

Diagnosing Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth are diagnosed with a thorough oral exam. First, we inspect the interior of your mouth. We look at your gums for signs of redness and swelling (which would indicate an infection). We will also take digital x-rays. These images will allow us to see underneath your gums. We can see the development of your wisdom teeth and if they are colliding with your adjacent teeth. We can also diagnose any cysts that might be present. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, we will then make a customized treatment plan for extraction.

Removing Your Impacted Wisdom Teeth

There are two types of extractions used for teeth. The first, known as a simple extraction, is a straightforward procedure. After a local anesthetic, the tooth is gripped and moved back and forth, widening the periodontal ligament. When the ligament is wide enough, the tooth is pulled out.

In most cases, impacted wisdom teeth require surgical extraction. A local anesthetic is administered, along with sedation if needed. We then make incisions in your gums to expose the tooth and the bone. We get to work removing the tooth. This may involve the removal of a small amount of bone. In some cases, the tooth may need to be broken first, and removed in sections. Once the tooth is completely removed, the space is cleaned, and your gums stitched closed.

Wisdom teeth can be easily remembered through that dull ache at the back of our mouth. These teeth are usually extracted if they don’t have room to grow, as stunted growth can lead to infections and severe pain that refuses to go away.
It is important to visit a professional if you notice the early signs of an impacted wisdom tooth.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are adult teeth that take time to grow. As we approach adulthood, we may notice one or more of the four wisdom teeth begin to grow, resting at the back of the mouth, both on the top and bottom. While wisdom teeth are painless for some, others may experience pain and discomfort. Some signs of impacted wisdom teeth are:
•  A tooth angled towards another
•  A tooth turned towards the back of the mouth
•  An upright tooth trapped in the gums
•  A tooth that grows perpendicular to the others

When Do Wisdom Teeth Come In?

You might have been excited as a young child to witness tooth loss and the subsequent arrival of the tooth fairy. However, growing teeth are pretty painful as an adult. That is because these teeth can easily get infected or come in crooked.
Wisdom teeth usually start coming in when you are around 17 to 21. However, they can grow for a long time and take time to show.

Why Do I Need to Undergo Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Some of the popular concerns related to wisdom teeth include:
•  Can wisdom teeth cause headaches?
•  Can wisdom teeth get infected?
•  Can a wisdom tooth damage other teeth?
•  Can a wisdom tooth damage the jaw or cause crooked teeth?
•  Can a wisdom tooth cause sinus issues?

Wisdom teeth can do all of the above and much more. In fact, just because your wisdom tooth isn’t painful now doesn’t mean it will remain dormant. Sooner or later, it might get impacted. This is why your doctor might recommend you get your wisdom teeth removed.
Teeth are much easier to remove early on as opposed to later when they strengthen their roots. If your wisdom tooth is crooked, it might put pressure on the other teeth, leading to decay. This tooth can affect your sinuses and cause headaches, gum disease, and more.
Prevention is better than cure. If you think your wisdom tooth isn’t coming in properly, you must get it extracted before it settles.

Call to Schedule Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction Appointment Now

It is important to rely on an experienced professional for all of your dental procedures, as the effects could last a lifetime. Here at Raptou Family Dental, we help you ensure a healthy smile through our smooth exams and procedures.
Our dentists, Dr. Raptou and , provide a timely evaluation of your wisdom teeth with solutions to help you manage your discomfort. Call us today at (614) 427-0449 and place your appointment for a consultation.

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Wisdom Tooth Extraction Columbus OH
Get relief from wisdom tooth pain and problems with expert wisdom teeth removal at our family dental clinic in Columbus, OH. Call us to schedule!
Raptou Family Dental, 136 Northwoods Blvd, STE A1, Columbus, OH 43235; (614) 427-0449; raptou.com; 2/3/2025; Associated Words: Dentist Columbus OH;