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Do White Drinks Still Stain Your Teeth?

Posted on 2/8/2021 by Dr. Nick Raptou
Do White Drinks Still Stain Your Teeth?You would think that certain white or colorless beverages would keep your teeth from staining. However, some beverages that lack any hue, or which are white, discolor the teeth.

Would you like to know more about avoiding stains? Maybe you need to have some stains removed, or your teeth whitened. If so, give Raptou Family Dental a call at (614) 427-0449 and schedule a consultation.

What White Beverages Stain the Teeth?

If you drink white tea, you will generally be rewarded with healthier teeth, as teas usually contain fair fluoride amounts. However, white tea, as do other teas, also contains substances known as tannins. Tannins will stain the teeth. Therefore, your teeth are not safe from staining if you drink white tea.

While they will be protected from cavities, the tea will dull their appearance. To offset this effect, you should add a white beverage, such as milk, to the tea, which neutralizes the effect of the tannins.

Milk is a white beverage that will not stain the teeth, as it does not contain any stain-causing substances.

If you drink white wine, you also need to be careful. That is because white wine can stain your teeth as easily as red wine. Because white wine is acidic, it also erodes the enamel. When this happens, your teeth are more susceptible to getting stained.

Why Milk and Water Are Your Best Bets

When it comes to avoiding stains, the best clear or white beverages you can drink are water and milk. Each of these drinks can neutralize the effects of stains or wash them away.

For example, if you drink a stain-causing beverage, such as coffee, you can add milk to the brew to reduce the effects of drinking coffee straight. Water will also wash away staining foods and drinks if you rinse your mouth after consuming them.

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